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92 results

81. Locations - Locations

- Locations Where to find us Vienna site Wagramer Strasse 315-317, 1210 Vienna, Austria T +43 1 259 45 21       F +43 1 259 45 21-9 Fischamend site Am…

82. Sorting plant - Recovering recyclable materials.

- Recovering recyclable materials. A sorting plant at our Langes Feld site enables us to recover recyclable materials from construction site waste for reuse. We fractionate the bulk waste and mixed…

83. Slag demetallisation - Conserving resources on multiple levels.

- Conserving resources on multiple levels. Waste incineration generates considerable amounts of combustion residues. This slag is usually sent to landfill without further treatment or processing.…

84. Mechanical biological treatment - Pre-treatment – recycling – disposal

- Pre-treatment – recycling – disposal The plant in Fischamend was initially used for waste composting after it was opened in 1997. Following a renovation in 1999, it was expanded in 2004 with the…

85. Humification - Back to nature.

- Back to nature. At the Langes Feld and Fischamend sites, we follow a specific formulation in the production of humified material for surface formation and as a water-retaining layer. The…

86. Contaminated site Langes Feld - Dewatering

- Dewatering It is important to ensure that no leachate escapes from the enclosed area into the surrounding groundwater horizon and deeper-lying aquifers. The dewatering system therefore constantly…

87. Contaminated site Langes Feld - Construction work

- Construction work Seal walls Two methods were used to construct seal walls in order to minimise water leaching from the enclosed area. Membrane wall installation In this method, a heavy steel…

88. Contaminated site Langes Feld - Remediating the contaminated site

- Remediating the contaminated site Survey A total of 1,460m of exploratory boreholes were drilled and 31 pumping tests conducted to determine the thickness of the seal wall. Shafts totalling 1,600m…

89. Langes Feld

- Turning waste into raw materials

90. Langes Feld

Search results 81 until 90 of 92