The plant in Fischamend was initially used for waste composting after it was opened in 1997. Following a renovation in 1999, it was expanded in 2004 with the addition of a mechanical treatment hall. Since then, it has been operated as a mechanical biological waste treatment plant.
It produces fractions with high calorific value for further thermal treatment as well as landfill-ready rotting material to be deposited in the company’s own landfill.
Mixed construction waste, commercial waste, residual waste and municipal waste serve as the input materials. The waste is worth sorting because it contains recyclable materials and provides potential feedstock for substitute fuel production (waste splitting), while the heavy fraction is made ready for landfill following the decomposition process.
In addition to the coarse and heavy fractions added during the mechanical treatment, other types of waste (e.g. cemetery waste, wastewater debris and sand trap contents) are added during biological treatment.