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92 results

51. Services - Your waste disposal partner in and around Vienna.

- Your waste disposal partner in and around Vienna. We offer proper, legally compliant disposal of your mineral waste at our demolition waste landfill, our residual materials landfill and our mass…

52. Locations - Fischamend

- Fischamend Landfill – mechanical biological waste treatment – humification. In Fischamend, around 30km east of Vienna, we operate a landfill site for non-hazardous waste in accordance with the…

53. Locations - Vienna (Langes Feld)

- Vienna (Langes Feld) The waste management centre in northern Vienna. We operate a landfill site for demolition waste and residual materials at our main site in Vienna. Its activities focus on the…

54. Team - Management

- Management Franz Steinnacher Franz Steinnacher

55. Team - Management

- Management Horst Gamsjäger Horst Gamsjäger

56. Waste information and waste manifests - Waste information

- Waste information Uncontaminated excavated soil < 2.000t Uncontaminated excavated soil < 2.000t Download PDF-Document

57. Waste information and waste manifests - Waste information

- Waste information Waste information asbestos (valid from 1.1.2022) Waste information asbestos (valid from 1.1.2022) Download PDF-Document

58. Waste information and waste manifests - Consignment note

- Consignment note Consignment note for hazardous waste. Consignment note for hazardous waste. Download PDF-Document

60. Waste information and waste manifests - Waste information

- Waste information Demolition waste lists 1+2 Demolition waste lists 1+2 Download PDF-Document
Search results 51 until 60 of 92